The Science of Happiness lecture can be structured to suit business people (Happy business is good business)
or private people with an interest in a more happy life (The Science of Happiness).

The Science of Happiness
A lecture about how “you” via simple tools can change your life and live in true happiness. For many, happiness is associated with an unrealistic state of being that can only be achieve for small glimpses in time.
We see a world full of chaos and pain, with all that life presents us it is hard to imagine a permanent state of happiness within. But the reality is, we all have a choice: Do we want to live a truly happy life or do we want to live with fear and anxiety? By changing our perspective and view on life we are more likely to see the positive in other people and situations, and we can change our attitude to the challenges we face so life becomes a stream of instructive experiences instead of tragic incidents. Further more the lecture gives an insight into what it means in our life when we learn to be grateful.
The lecture gives an introduction to how you can change your life. It is possible for everybody to change, but change does not come with one day..

Duration: 3 hours (inclusive meditation and break)
For information and booking contact The Institute of Spiritual Learning +45 2043 4974 or e-mail louise@ISLearning.org
Happy business is good business
We all know that when we are happy we have more energy, we get more good ideas, we create fewer conflicts and we feel better physically and mentally. Therefore it can not be surprising that a company with happy employees functions better than a company with unhappy and frustrated employees.
Can we learn to be happy without reason even if everything around us is in confusion? Yes we can! The lecture 'Happy business is good business' introduces how, by changing rigid habits and lifestyles one can bring happiness into their life as a permanent state of being, and how this can change and lift the company culture with benefits and joy for everybody.

Duration: 3 hours (inclusive meditation and break)
For information and booking contact The Institute of Spiritual Learning +45 2043 4974 or e-mail louise@ISLearning.org